how to identify best candidates for Amazon PPC campaigns

How to Identify the Right Amazon Products to Advertise through Amazon PPC

Amazon PPC advertising is a great way to drive revenue, but how to identify the best candidates for Amazon PPC campaigns for additional profitable sales? This is the most important question that you need to answer for yourself before you decide which products to bet your advertising money on.

Usually, products with low views but a high conversion rate are a great prospect for PPC advertising. You can drive additional traffic to product detail pages which you know convert, maximizing the return on your advertising spend.

Here’s how you can use Amazon Seller Central business reports to find which products are not being seen very often but are selling well when people do find them.

First, go to Business Reports, under the main Reports tab in Seller Central. Business Reports cover sales and traffic data from a number of different angles, but they only show products you have sold – not your entire inventory.

Do not worry if you have never really known how to interpret the Business Reports data correctly because that is what this post is aimed at – at educating you on how to interpret and use your Business Reports. The data in Business Reports might look a bit messy and cumbersome at first, especially if you have a lot of SKUs that are selling, but once you know what to look for it is really quick to get to the point.

We need to drill down into individual products, and the best reports for doing that are the “By ASIN” reports.

Selecting the right “By ASIN” report

There are three reports to choose from here, and you need to select the right one depending on how your product inventory is structured. Here’s an overview

Filter Reports by ASIN

Detail Page Sales and Traffic – this is the most helpful report as everything is shown by product ASIN.

Detail Page Sales and Traffic by Parent Item – if your business has a lot of variations which are essentially the same product, such as different sizes, this report helps you focus on the product as a whole.

Detail Page Sales and Traffic by Child Item – if it makes more sense to look at child variations separately, this report will be a better fit for you.

Metrics used in the “By ASIN” reports

It’s really important to understand what everything means so you are able to interpret the data correctly.

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Using the Amazon Business Report

Let’s take a look at a sample report

107741501 4851384331554139 1919097354932000481 n 1
  • Take a look at the fourth row down, highlighted with a blue box. This shows 48 Sessions, and a Session Percentage of 1.41% – so only 1.41% of customers view this product. However, the Unit Session Percentage is 8.33% which is a solid conversion rate.
  • A product with a low Session Percentage and a high Unit Session Percentage like this means the product page is good enough to convert, but not enough customers are seeing it.

    This is a prime candidate for Sponsored Products advertising and other paid advertising platforms. You will be paying each time customers click through to the product page, but the high conversion rate means that you’ll get the most value out of those clicks.

You could also consider more keyword research to help develop the search ranking of the product.

Author – Rizwan Zaffar (Originally posted in Ecommerce Outset)

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